What issues of public interest has TSI engaged in? Access, Lands Bill, Allocation, other topics? Consider posting TSI correspondence on each issue as a link in the narrative.
Congratulations, everyone! We were able to prevent the FSB from passing these Unit 4 deer proposals! Thank you for submitting all your letters & comments to the Federal Subsistence Board.
There are 3 federal subsistence wildlife proposals being considered that will affect Juneau deer hunters!
Comments on these are due by this Monday, July 19, 2021 (email: subsistence@fws.gov or fax: 907-786-3898).
The first proposal (WP22-07) is a closure of most of west Admiralty Island September 15 – November 30 for Juneau hunters. This includes all areas south of Hawk Inlet. Here are TSI’s comments opposing that proposal (& supporting ADF&G):
The Territorial Sportsmen, Inc. (TSI) of Juneau is on record opposing the proposal (Wildlife Proposal 22-07) to close deer hunting on western Admiralty Island from September 15 to November 30 to non-federally qualified users (NFQUs). TSI wholly supports the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G’s) comments opposing this proposal.
TSI agrees with ADF&G’s assessment that there is not a conservation concern for deer on western Admiralty Island. The deer population is currently high, abundant, and stable. Because of the abundance of deer on Admiralty Island (highest in the State), ADF&G increased the annual bag limit from 4 to 6 deer in 2019. Additionally, total hunting effort is relatively light and hunter effort/harvest have declined.
ADF&G concludes that the actual reason for the decline of federally qualified user (FQU) deer harvest is from a decline in participation & effort by FQUs, not depleted deer populations or increased NFQU competition. They found that NFQU deer hunting participation & effort is also declining. Additionally, FQUs are allowed to hunt an additional month (January 1-31) than NFQUs, which is when the snow levels push most of the deer to the beaches. This proposal adds unnecessary restrictions to Juneau & Ketchikan residents, as well as non-residents.
TSI opposes this proposal and respectively asks that it not be adopted.
The second proposal (WP22-08) reduces the bag limit from 3 to 2 deer for the Northeast Chichagof Controlled Use Area (NECCUA – Hoonah & Tenakee areas). Here are TSI’s comments opposing that proposal (& supporting ADF&G):
The Territorial Sportsmen, Inc. (TSI) of Juneau is on record opposing the proposal (Wildlife Proposal 22-08) to reduce the deer hunting bag limit to 2 deer within the Northeast Chichagof Controlled Use Area (NECCUA) for non-federally qualified users (NFQUs). TSI wholly supports the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G’s) comments opposing this proposal.
TSI agrees with ADF&G’s assessment that there is not a conservation concern for deer on western Admiralty Island. The deer population is currently high, abundant, and stable. Because of the abundance of deer on in NECCUA, ADF&G increased the annual bag limit from 4 to 6 deer west of Port Frederick in 2019. Additionally, total hunting effort is relatively light for the area.
ADF&G concludes that the actual reason for the decline of federally qualified user (FQU) deer harvest is from a decline in participation & effort by FQUs, not depleted deer populations or increased NFQU competition. They found that NFQU deer hunting participation & effort have remained stable. Additionally, FQUs are allowed to hunt an additional month (January 1-31) than NFQUs, which is when the snow levels push most of the deer to the beaches. On the east side of Port Frederick FQUs have a much more liberal bag limit of 6 deer (compared to 3 deer for NFQUs). This proposal adds unnecessary restrictions to Juneau & Ketchikan residents, as well as non-residents.
TSI opposes this proposal and respectively asks that it not be adopted.
The third proposal (WP22-09) is a closure of Lisianski Inlet, Lisianski Strait, & Stag Bay on Chichagof Island October 15 – December 31. Here are TSI’s comments opposing that proposal (& supporting ADF&G):
The Territorial Sportsmen, Inc. (TSI) of Juneau is on record opposing the proposal (Wildlife Proposal 22-09) to close deer hunting in Lisianski Inlet, Lisianski Strait, & Stag Bay on Chichagof Island from October 15 to December 31 to non-federally qualified users (NFQUs). TSI wholly supports the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G’s) comments opposing this proposal.
TSI agrees with ADF&G’s assessment that there is not a conservation concern for deer on western Admiralty Island. The deer population is currently high, abundant, and stable. Because of the abundance of deer on Admiralty Island (highest in the State), ADF&G increased the annual bag limit from 4 to 6 deer in 2019. Additionally, total hunting effort is relatively light and hunter effort/harvest have declined.
ADF&G concludes that the actual reason for the decline of federally qualified user (FQU) deer harvest is from a decline in participation & effort by FQUs, not depleted deer populations or increased NFQU competition. They found that NFQU deer hunting participation & effort has remained stable. Additionally, FQUs are allowed to hunt an additional month (January 1-31) than NFQUs, which is when the snow levels push most of the deer to the beaches. This adds unnecessary restrictions to Juneau & Ketchikan residents, as well as non-residents.
TSI opposes this proposal and respectively asks that it not be adopted.
If you would like to voice your opposition, please submit comments via email: subsistence@fws.gov or fax: 907-786-3898 by this Monday, July 19, 2021. For more information, you can visit the Federal Subsistence Management Program website here: https://www.doi.gov/subsistence/proposal/current
Second Crossing Study Group – 2020
Information References
- Submitted by Bob Armstrong:
- Submitted by Brenda Wright:
- Submitted by Tom Schumacher: